The Last 2 Weeks......
The last 2 weeks....where to begin? On 02 MAY 06 our latest addition to the family came into the world...beautiful little Chloe Carolina, I've finally got the all the metal work done for her room, the last 3 things were the shelf for the baby monitor, the shelf for the wipes, and my first ever attempt with lighting (the apple lamp)! The only thing I haven't finished yet was the chest of drawers that I still need to refinish. I've managed somehow to work on numerous projects, but I only managed to get a picture of is the spring rake bird bath you see above, the other is the sign behind my lovely "Cleopatra" in her schools wax museum presentation.
We're all adjusting to this latest addition, and I have forgotten how much fun it is to have a baby in the house again! Mom and baby are doing fine and dad and the other kids are in the adjustment process. I've never been more worn out and exhausted as in the last 2 weeks, but ain't that what life's all about...reaching the end of the journey, not new and barely used, but completely a wreck. I'll be in touch.