Southern-Steel Fabrication

Monday, September 12, 2005


The monarch as I'm calling it took flight this weekend. It's a commissioned piece centered around the Monarch Butterfly motif and includes 3 winding rose stems. Most folks would rather see it finished with color and accents, but for me the beauty is in the look of raw steel, knowing that not long ago it was a mass of iron just waiting to be forged into something unique, though I'm sure it will be more attractive when paint and powder coating is allowed to plead it's case. I'll be sure to upload a post when it's fully colored!

Friday, September 09, 2005

This is my first post.

Monday, September 05, 2005

The Tracker Project

While this project didn't involve much ornamental magic, it did test my metal fabrication skills. My customer wanted the old roof cut off and a new one put on. Sounded interesting...and it was something I had never done I said I would give it a try. 17.5 hours later the project was completed and ready to have body filler and fresh paint applied. I can't take full credit for the success of this project customer gets credit for believing that I could do it and for much appreciated help in cutting off the old damaged top. Besides that we had the greatest help of all...we prayed over it before getting to far in.